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Ten Year Luck Cycles
  • Roberta Martines
  • November 18, 1958
  • 12:00 PM
  • San Jose, California
BaZi: The Four Wisdoms of Life

Resources are your support system, that is: what you can draw upon and use to become stronger and achieve success. Resources are like the mother that feeds you when you are a child but also, like a mother, they help to shape and inform you, including education of all types. In astrology, this would be what we call the Moon, which refers to emotions, feelings, everything that comes from inside and from the past. Your need for support is what is in question here.

Success and happiness for you very much depends on the support of others, your surroundings, and on your circumstances or environment in general, and it is important for you to have that support available.

To succeed in life, you will do best by seeking out situations and people that will give you support, whether that is a revenue stream, a pat on the back, or both. You do best when someone has your back and stands behind you. Otherwise, you have tendency at times to lack confidence.

You thrive on cooperation from those around you and very much benefit from all the support you can muster. You like to work situations from the inside out, rather from the outside in, from the bottom up, rather than the top down.

When it comes to training and education, this is natural to you. School, academics, studying, and all manner of learning are a path you will do well in. Learn about it from those who know, and then do it.

BaZi: The Four Wisdoms of Life

A lot of attention is paid in Chinese astrology to the balancing of male and female forces, what are called "Yang" (male) and "Yin" (female) elements. A Yang element represents unchanging energy (and sometimes brute force), while a Yin element represents change and adaptability. When we add up the many Yin and Yang factors in your chart, here is the balance:

Yin Dominates: 8 to 4

Your approach to life in general, and to solving problems in particular, is from a "Yin" standpoint; this means you work with existing problems as they are, manipulating them "as is" rather than trying to alter them—you do not challenge them head-on. To use a martial art analogy, you prefer Aikido to Judo; meaning, your skill lies in working with existing situations passively rather than actively confronting them. Here, the use of the word passive does not mean lying down when problems arise, but rather refers to your method of facilitating and working through a situation (while not making it worse) by redirecting energy in motion rather than getting in its way and opposing it.

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