Compatibility Report
  • Jennifer Gates
  • April 26, 1966
  • 06:11 PM
  • Bellevue, Washington
Siblings as Persons
Siblings as Persons

You Can't Pick Your Family

As the old saying goes, we can pick our partners and friends, but we can’t pick our family. We are given that and not based on any obvious compatibility or lack thereof. As some say, “we are stuck with our family, for better or for worse, just like a marriage.” Many marriages today are not even life long, but for most of us our family relationships indeed last our entire lives. They don’t go away and divorce is not an option. Blood is always thicker than water. And many of these family relationships remain unexamined.

Who could be closer to you than your siblings, be they brothers or sisters? Not the same as friends you choose, but bound in life to you just the same. If older, they have just always been there, before we ever existed, and the same goes for our parents. We have never known a time when they were not with us.

If younger, they appeared in our life and probably changed our life in many ways. We don’t question these relationships and perhaps we have never even had the opportunity to consider what they really involve or are like. Hopefully, this report will help in this regard, for here astrology can offer us a second opinion on who our sisters, and brothers actually are and how we fit in with them.

The approach here is a simple one. For you, your sister and brothers, there will be a description of what you each are like as an individual and then how each of you relate to one another. The same came also be done with your mother and father in different report.

Siblings as Persons

Natal StarType for Jennifer Gates

Here is another quite independent StarType, one with great mental powers, albeit folded in on themselves, and all converging to a single practical point, like a laser beam. Jennifer's mind always has a very practical focus that cuts through a problem like the tip of a blowtorch. Her very strong ability to think and focus tends to be somewhat inward oriented and almost recursive, in that her mind very much guides the hand that does the work, and with great precision.

As for relationships, Jennifer is pretty much of an independent nature, and her need for relationships is somewhat limited. She can take them or leave them, but when she is cooking on some project, she tends not to need them, and they seldom even come up on her radar screen. At other times, she runs around looking for a relationship, like she is missing something. The fact is Jennifer needs relationships once in a while, but mostly she is pretty much self complete and likes her independence.

Using the mind, a mind that is extremely organized, to accomplish very practical and down-to-earth goals is what is suggested in Jennifer's chart. In this case her mind is more inwardly directed, but still always very practical.To a great degree, here is real independence, but still Jennifer is in need of being better able to grasp the whole concepts, to get what can be called the 'Big Picture'. For this, the Grand Trine (#60) and Kite (#5) StarTypes are a perfect fit to better gain perspective.As for other blue-bordered cards, Jennifer would have the best chance of a stable relationship with any of the blue-bordered cards that have what is called a Grand Trine in them, which is an equal-sided green triangle.

Siblings as Persons

The Brother

Your brother Rory is closer to you than any friend could ever be, a relationship forged by life itself, one whose imprint, for better or for worse, is already set deep within you. Older or younger, sometimes friends, sometimes not-so-friendly, you share memories with Rory that you won’t find anywhere else on Earth and this kind of closeness certainly could never be recreated.

Love him or hate him, ties with our siblings are bonds that bind for life. We not only come from (in most cases) the same mother, but we are also born of the same era and cast from the same culture, with secret words and jokes no one else on Earth could ever understand and share. Other than our parents, there are no closer ties than this. It can be worthwhile to understand how this important relationship works, which is what this report covers.

Siblings as Persons

The Brother's Natal StarType

Rory likes attention and probably demands (and usually gets) lots of it. Whatever is going on, he tends to gravitate to the center of any group, where the action is at - the life of the party. This is because at heart he is warm and charismatic, most definitely a touchy-feeling sort of person. People like him and like to be around him. Rory is probably in-demand for dinner dates and parties. Why? Because he is fun!Sometimes Rory feels like he has to protect his privacy and does not like being hemmed in and pinned down by claustrophobic situations.

Rory is used to being the center of attention, and in most relationships he tends to take on the role of the loved one, allowing (and preferring) to let others look after him, even dote on him. This is not arrogance, but quite natural.

Rory, an example of the T-Square type, has excellent intuition, good hunches, and is able to feel things out on a practical level. Because he is so 'in touch' and involved (deep in there), he sometimes has trouble getting the big picture, and can't see the forest because of the trees. Rory can benefit from StarTypes that are less involved, run a little cooler, and stand a little farther back from the action. Examples of good advisers include many of the GREEN BORDER card types, with the label "The Lover" as a relationship type. When checking for relationships, look for those, but there are others. Look for the Grand Trine pattern, which is the large green triangle. Call out the lover in these StarTypes, with Rory being the loved one that they care for.

Siblings as Persons

Jennifer's Relationship with her Brother

There could well be more than just a little push and shove with this combination, for both brother and sister have a stubborn streak a mile long. In fact, chart-wise, the most practical solution involves Rory, who is generally more aware than Jennifer of what is going on around him, reaching out to Jennifer as a guide and sharing her counsel.

Both Jennifer and her brother like people, but Jennifer is a real "people" person. She thrives on it and always manages to end up as the center of attention in a group. Rory can't keep up with Jennifer socially, and generally is more mental and reflective by nature. Jennifer tends to act first and think later, which does not always serve her well, so Rory's advice and awareness are something she really needs.

Yet both these two can fall into bumping heads, with Jennifer usually the winner when this happens. So the "happy medium" as it is called involves Jennifer letting her Rory help and guide her and Jennifer affirming that she needs and wants that help.

Siblings as Persons

The Sister

Your sister Phoebe, whether younger or older, will always be closer than your closest friend, bound by ties you cannot break for they are the stuff you too are made of, and culturally come from the same mold. There are experiences there, secrets shared, and moments made that will never be repeated or replaced. Thrown together by fate, you may not always get along, either then or now, but a bond is there nevertheless that cannot be denied.

Sisters are far more than friends (or not friends). There is no relationship of peers potentially as close as that of sisters. Sisterhood, like motherhood, is a secret society, an initiation for which there are no invitations other than by fate. It can be helpful to better understand the chemistry between the two of you, which is what this report is about.

Siblings as Persons

The Sister's Natal StarType

Phoebe is a very gifted Star*type, particularly when it comes to psychological or spiritual ideas, but with a practical twist. She can usually manifest her ideas on the physical plane, which many have great difficulty in doing. Her mind is much more complex than average, and thus suited, as mentioned, to areas of the mind such as psychology, philosophy, and perhaps some of the spiritual disciplines. Seeing beyond the normal, even visionary concepts, are indicated. If there is one caution, it is the tendency to slip into syndromes, and to get caught up in the minutiae of the mind and have trouble extracting herself back to normal life.

This means she has enough innate sufficiency to do quite well just by herself, and probably doesn't find dependent relationships all that attractive. If she does choose a partner, the most stabilizing relationship would be with someone who has a pristine mind, the ability to really conceptualize and always gets the big picture at a glance. Phoebe can't do that and probably would benefit from such a relationship, whether romantically or as a friendship.

As for types for Phoebe to mix with, learn from, and perhaps have a relationship with, the more cerebral and conceptual green-bordered StarTypes, like the Grand Trine, would be a good match.As for other blue-bordered cards like herself, she would have the best chance of a stable relationship with any of the blue-bordered cards that have what is called a Grand Trine in them, which is an equal-sided green triangle in them.

Siblings as Persons

Jennifer's Relationship with her Sister

Two chart types cut from the same cloth, almost identical templates, and both very independent. By independent I mean each of them is busy about the business of whatever they are into and not particularly aware of other people or life itself. Self-absorption is one description of this state of mind, and they each have their own version of it, and to the same degree. Others may find them a little indifferent or too cool but they may never notice. And they may not even notice each other all that much.

Both Jennifer and her sister have strong social urges and are at home socially, in a crowd, at a party, etc., where they like to have fun and are not above stealing the show. Certainly they both love to talk and expound. Phoebe's preference is for some fairly esoteric stuff, like alternative this or that, psychology, spiritual trends, much of it probably a little too far out for Jennifer.

As for functioning in the world well, they both can do it for each has a healthy amount of common sense, a practical turn of the mind, and the ability to put their mind to work in the world realizing whatever schemes and dreams the come up with.

Siblings as Persons

Brother and Sister's Relationship

Now here is a cozy relationship that somewhat fits the historical idea of a Romeo and a Juliette, a lover and a loved one, with a little care and polish. Phoebe would have to want to take over the role of being the lover, the Romeo, and Rory the role of loved one, Juliette. That is what the charts say. And the edge in all this goes to Phoebe, who does not care as much as Rory, and Rory knows it.

Now, the only problem here is that Phoebe likes at times to be the loved one or center of all attention herself, and not have to tend to Rory, so there is the rub. Real attraction, like magnets, is about opposites. They attract. Sames repel. That is simple physics.

As long as Phoebe does not mind doing the chores, and generally looks after Rory, allowing him to be the center of attention, and get all the service, the relationship should hold together. But take that away and suddenly you have two people who both need or demand attention and with that comes quarrels and disagreements. You get the idea.

Siblings as Persons

That concludes this reading. We hope you have enjoyed it. I have found for myself that getting a handle on my own family members has been very helpful, offering insights into those close to me that I never even thought about or took time to examine. In some cases, I have found that these astrological insights have led me to change the way I approach and relate to some of my siblings, and with good results. I wish the same for you.

Michael Erlewine

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